Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Umm... Why?

"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

-Matthew 7:14

     Let's just get it out there: I love to talk. I've found that one of my gifts is that I can knowledgeably carry a conversation on a wide variety of topics. However, as many of you know, sports and politics are among my favorite things to talk about. Throughout my life, I've played a plethora of sports, and I enjoy watching a wide variety of sports. Believe me when I say I love sports. Likewise, politics stand out as a particular interest of mine. After all, I am a political science major at the University of Oklahoma. However, even those things pale in comparison to my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Far exceeding any other thing, my Christian faith is what I am passionate about. It is therefore something that I am very intentional and constant in talking about.
     Within recent years, I have felt the Lord's calling in my life to become a pastor. Not many months after I initially felt this call, I gained my first "professional" ministry experience by accepting a job offer from Bethel Baptist Church's college ministry in Norman, Oklahoma. Many think it's awesome that I am both a college student and a minister to college students at the same time. But a common question I get usually begins with "Why". "Why not go for a career that pays better?" "Why spend all that time at church?" Ultimately, I think the question "Why" is something that is often asked of those who live the Christian life. "Why do you read the Bible?" "Why do you pray?" "Why don't you cuss?" "Why don't you go out and party?" The fact is, Christians who live the life that Jesus has called them to live bewilder the world. By taking notice of our outward actions and words, those around us begin to wonder what's going on inside of us. Our words and our actions should be the outward reflection of an inner relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. The very core of our beliefs and the life that Jesus has called us to live can be summed up in no other way than as counter cultural in today's society. It's a road less traveled, which is why He calls it "the narrow road" in Matthew 7:14.
     So we'll get right to it: Why this blog? My hope and prayer is that my writings will complete several objectives on a multitude of issues. First off, I hope to encourage other believers in their faith by sharing God's Word and unpacking it a little. Secondly, I sincerely hope that many others who think I'm absolutely insane for believing in all of this Christianity stuff will read this and hopefully come to see the beauty and the Truth of God and His Word, something that has so radically changed my life. Thirdly, I hope "nominal Christians" read this and might come and regain or even obtain a passion for Almighty God. As God leads, I'm going to try to cover a multitude of issues and scriptures at a rate of a few posts a month.
     By no means do I claim to have it all together. The truth of the matter is, I'm a sinner in need of God's grace every day that I'm alive. However, this blog is something I feel led to do. One of my great passions inside of ministry is preaching and teaching the Truth that is the Word of God. My hope is that this will be an extension of that area of calling that I believe the Lord has placed in my life. Without further to do, let's get to it!

In all things, to God be the glory,
Cody Trail